Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 2018 Updates

 Sigtag by Cris

Hello loves,

Holiday season is really a very busy time. My new year's resolution this year would probably be to at least make a new siggie each month to keep this site alive. It's been so dead.

Anyway, for updates, before I started work, hopefully, I've sent all the advent gifts that I have missed.

Also, I've finally put up all your advent gifts for me. I've missed a lot of them, because I suddenly became very busy around the week before Christmas.

I'm also back to accepting sigtag request now again, in case you didn't know.

And finally, I would like to inform everyone that I would not be making graphics for the Livejournal community enam0re anymore. The owner of the community has been MIA for a while and the community is practially dead for so long. The few active makers that are left already left the community one after the other due to inactivity, and I think, I'm the only one left. I will look for a new community were people are more active and post offers there instead. I'll let you know when I find one.


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